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Dermatology Consultation

Before Treatment

Welcome to Mobile Medi! We want to ensure that your experience with our acupuncture, phlebotomy, or micro-needling services is as comfortable and effective as possible. Preparation is key, so here are some important Dos and Don'ts to keep in mind before your treatment.

Dos (Eat light meals)

Do eat a light meal a few hours before your session to prevent lightheadedness.

(unless you’re having a fasting blood test.) 

Dos (Arrive well-hydrated)

Do arrive well-hydrated to ensure that you're in good overall condition.

Dos (Skin free of chemicals)

Do ensure your skin is clean and free of makeup, oils and lotions on the treatment area.

Don't (Workout right before treatment)

Don't schedule your session right after an intense workout or when you're overly fatigued.

Don't (Hesitate to express concerns)

Don't hesitate to express any concerns or questions to your phlebotomist regarding the process.

Dos (Wear comfortable clothing)

Do wear loose and comfortable clothing. Loose and breathable attire ensures that your practitioner can perform the treatment effectively, whether it's acupuncture, phlebotomy, or micro-needling, while also allowing you to relax fully during the procedure.

Dos (Ask questions)

Do ask questions and share your concerns: Feel free to ask questions and communicate any concerns you may have with your practitioner. They are here to assist you and ensure a comfortable experience.

Don't (Skip post treatment care)

Don't skip your post-treatment care: Following proper aftercare instructions is essential to ensure the best possible results and minimize any potential side effects.

Don't (Comsume alcohol, caffine, recreational drugs, or smoke)

Don't consume alcohol, caffeine, recreational drugs, or smoke right before your appointment, as they can affect your body's response to treatment/results.

Don't (Schedule other skin treatment close together)

Don't schedule other skin treatments too close together: Avoid scheduling facials, chemical peels, or other skin treatments immediately before or after micro-needling.

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